martes, 13 de enero de 2009

Debugging con GeneXus X Evolution 1

Hace tiempo me es molesto que el wiki no recuerde mi password. Así que, aprovechando que es open source y está disponible en un GeneXus X Server público, abrí mi GeneXus X Evolution 1 y le dí File/New/Create Knowledge Base from Server y seguí las instrucciones que hay en el documento "Setup Information" de la KB para ejecutar el wiki localmente.

Luego configuré mi KB para Debug, hice un fulltext search en la KB por setcookie y agregué esos objetos a la lista de objetos a debuggear.
Pensaba que el problema estaba en la setcookie, puse un breakpoint en el setcookie pero me dí cuenta que ahí nunca llegaba, entonces puse un breakpoint en el propio login, di F5 y entonces sí ví dónde esta el problema: La variable &Rememberme nunca es true!
La imagen de abajo lo dice todo:

Quedé impresionado. ¿cómo podíamos sin esto?

El problema estaba en el control info de la variable en el form. Quedó solucionado, pueden ver el fix en el RSS de la KB
De nada, un humilde (qué humilde, re agrandado quedé!!!)  colaborador.

lunes, 12 de enero de 2009

GeneXus en twitter

Me metí en twitter, a explorar.
Arranqué por escuchar siguiendo los tweets de varios conocidos y otros desconocidos que en twitter ya andan hace rato, contando sobre sí mismos y sobre GeneXus). 

Siguiendo sugerencias de Guy sobre How to use Twitter as a Twool ,estoy usando Twitterfeed para avisar cuando hay un nuevo post en el planeta genexus. Así que si escriben en el planeta genexus automáticamente están en twitter! Específicamente bajo, (bienenidos!)

Creo que las sugerencias de Guy Kawasaki arriba mencionadas también pueden servirle a los Platform Partners y en general a quien hace tools con y alrededor de GeneXus. Es importante hablar y dar que hablar de lo que hacemos y ofrecemos!!

vamos a ver como sigue esto, quizas podríamos usarlo para escribir un tweet por cada feature que vamos agregando en los night builds de GeneXus X Evolution 1?  

otras ideas en la vuelta? bienvenidas!

viernes, 9 de enero de 2009

Offshoring or inshoring, Incremental methodology and GeneXus

Yesterday professor Ph.D Carlos S. Baradello and 17 MBA students of the University of San Francisco visited Artech’s laboratory at Zonamérica Business & Technology Park. They are on a tour through Latin America, visiting different companies trying to understand if nearshoring (in Latin America) is a valid alternative to offshoring. They are about to write their thesis about that topic.

Gisela Bertelli (Business Development Manager) briefly introduced them Artech, I demoed GeneXus and Dane Drotts (President of GeneXus USA) told them how the Incremental methodology and GeneXus let him sell and accomplish outsourcing / nearshoring projects with success.

How does it work? Ok, when you outsource there are two ways to work.

Let’s start with the traditional approach: The Customer creates the WHOLE spec of what he wants, sends it to India or wherever and 1 or 2 years later he get exactly, on time, etc , what he want … ed 1 or 2 years ago! Ok, what he thought he wanted … because one thing is what he imagined and another what he wrote down and signed, and another what the other side interpreted. OK OK, supposing a perfect world he got what he wanted 1 year ago. But technology may have changed … 1 year ago VB 6 was the hype, now it is .NET, or it was GUI, and now it is WEB. OK OK OK, suppose technology didn’t have changed. But what about the business? Didn’t it change? What about your dreams in the last year or two?. The problem is that nobody will tell you, CEO, that something is wrong in what you get … the CIO or whoever the stakeholder was, at least won’t! He was the one that told his friends how cool it is to outsource there and what a big budget he manages, the one who told you to sign that big contract. How much did it cost? Some millions of bucks: “Very cheap!” you thought when they told you how many, many hours it would take to so many, many engineers to accomplish it and how few, very few bucks each hour costs offshore .

The incremental approach GeneXus USA is implementing works so: there are some (3 or 4) Analysts working out requirements at your (the Client’s) offices and sending them to a Software Factory in Uruguay. In the Factory other 5 or 6 develop with GeneXus and after just some days or weeks you get prototypes, you SEE and LIVE feedback, ask for changes and changes are ready in the next day and you see, hear, visualize how it’s growing and how prototypes are transformed and in 2 or 3 months are used in production environments and your internal operations get optimized. You may see it first in .net and then tell the Analysts that it should be in Java because you are about to move all to linux or because you had a dream and want it so and they say “OK no problem!” ask you what other dreams you have and if such dreams happen often J, write to Uruguay and what do they do? Generate again in java and next morning you already see the same you saw yesterday in .net running now in java and you can’t believe your eyes how it’s going forward and all your changes in the requirements are done so fast and you begin to think that these engineers are magicians or something like that .. and you know what? Yes, there are excellent, but they can do it fast because they work in small, dynamic teams and they have a GREAT TOOL: GeneXus! Which is THE TOOL that allows this INCREMENTAL approach, allows them to change anything so fast and generates in the platform you want, generates knowledge based and pattern based and automatizes them all and allows these engineers to focus on your requirements, on your business. They work on a knowledge level, a conceptual level and don’t get distracted learning XML, jscript, html, VB, java, ADO, etc etc etc.

So, MBA students, we would of course be very happy if the results of your studies are that nearshoring is the best, and even more, that you see Uruguay in latam as the best option J. But whatever your conclusion is, if it is offshoring or nearshoring inshoring, if outsourcing or insourcing: suggest to safe bucks and time: suggest to do it incrementally … and with GeneXus. It may not be the option the whole world uses … but (a business card I got told me :-) that) your Minds and Hearts are being educated at USF to Change the World. So do it and release your talent!

As Albert Einstein said:

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Thank you for visting Uruguay, hope you enjoy Punta del Este tomorrow.

Sugerencias implementadas y por implementar en GeneXus

Revisé recién las wish lists de GeneXus del wiki y ... no lo conté, pero una buena parte esta implementada, tal cual fue pedida por la comunidad, en GeneXus X y del resto otro tanto queda obsoleto porque se resuelve ahora de otra forma mejor aún.

O sea, buenísimo: GeneXus X y GeneXus X Evolution 1 resuelven mucho que pidieron los usuarios! 

Creo, por otra parte, que las wishlists del wiki no son muy leidas  (porque por algo estaban tan desactualizadas).

Creo que el mejor lugar en este momento para sugerir cosas es el foro de Evolution 1, así que invito a ser beta tester de GeneXus X Evolution 1 y suscribirse al foro correspondiente.

Quizas se puede implementar un sistemita de wishlists como un nuevo tipo de página en el wiki? 
La KB que implementa el wiki está "open for collaboration" en el GeneXus Server público de la comunidad: Como se puede ver en el RSS de los cambios de la KB, recientemente se le agregó un nuevo tipo de página, la página de tipo KB. 

miércoles, 7 de enero de 2009

GeneXus Fan on Facebook

Hacete Fan de GeneXus siguiendo este link:

A ver si superamos a Nutella ! Por si alguien ve eso como algo muy a largo plazo (1.7 millones de fans), hay un nivel intermedio: superar al dulce de leche (45.000  fans). 

Por qué el dulce de leche? Ver conversaciones en el foro al respecto:"dulce+de+leche")

PS: Cómo cuesta retomar el 'bloggear' luego de 3 meses de ausencia! FELIZ 2009!!!